
June 3, 2009 at 12:48 am | Posted in The Miracles | 2 Comments

Was surfing around when i felt like blogging… and as it so happens, once again i didn’t know what to blog, but since the urge was there, i hopped over here.

As i was wondering what to blog, here are the options that passed through my head…

I could blog about the remainder of the constellations workshop that ended on Saturday, but it feels a bit too tedious at the moment, and no point ruining a good experience with something that feels too much like a school essay.

I could blog about my current almost-panicky state about my current financial status, but hey, why encourage the anxiety and negative energy that can shut myself off from the universal abundance that IS all around.

So since it’s Mr Gua Gua’s birthday, i thought i would write something to honour him in my life, and the idea of afformations came into my head. For those who don’t know afformations, it’s some guy’s variation of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements, that when restated over and over again, can override the negative beliefs imprinted in our subconsciousn mind (which does take a lot of work, though of cos, never impossible). Some pple say it works. Louise Hays made a whole career/life out of application of affirmations (for those who want to know how affirmations can change your life, read her fantastic book You Can Heal Your Life). Some say it doesn’t, and that’s likely to be attributed to the heavy negative belief patterns in their subconscious mind and lack of persistence in the practice of affirmations. EFT plus affirmations is a truly lethal combination (check out my EFT affirmation cards available on!), that can seriously make QUICK changes in your life compared to using either by themselves.

So what about afformations? Well, they are affirmations stated as a question. For e.g., I am rich -> Why am i rich? And why are afformations more effective?

Notice how our brain responds to the question why? It automatically searches for the answer. “Because….because….” and most likely, it will look for evidence that justifies the question as a piece of reality that CAN be justified. So it kinda tricks the mind to focus on the positives in the life, and by doing so, you allow The Law of Attraction to work in your favour, and that is you automatically draw more similar energy into your life and you become even richer.

I’m not an expert on this topic cos i only watched a few-min-long youtube clip on it, but from what i understand of it, it does hold the possibility of being more effective than affirmations.

Anyhow, i’m gonna try it out, and let’s see WHY are afformations truly effective (see? just by stating it this way, the brain assumes that afformations are truly effective…)?

So WHY is Mr Gua Gua my dream partner?

(take a deep breath… Mr Gua Gua, prepare your ego for a big blast of stimulation)

Because he makes me laugh, and that helps me to stay young!
Because he can listen to my ranting even when using the computer, and most of the time, be able to respond in an intelligible manner (so who says guys can’t multi-task?).
Because he is a really fabulous father, the kind that i think all children would like to have – patient, encouraging, playful, sensitive, creative and ZANY!
Because he loves to indulge me with food (and yes, the shortest way to my heart is through the stomach!)
Because he doesn’t care if i don’t do the housework for 2 weeks, since his standards are lower than mine! (just that our house is out of bounds to anybody, especially my mum!)
Because he’s got healing hands and just the touch of his hand on my back feels super good.
Because he’s into the esoteric stuff just like I am.
Because he doesn’t take himself seriously, which balances me out since i often take myself too seriously.
Because even when i rant and rave at him, he can still give me his silly Gua Gua grin.
Because he always supports me in everything that i do.
Because he has a heart of gold.
Because he has a way of producing unexpected words of wisdom that really help me get it.
Because he never ever judges me, even when i want him to cos i’m so used to judging myself.
Because he is so in touch with his inner child that he makes all the soft toys (i mean, the gang) at home come alive and helps me to remember to be a child again too.
Because he is so $@*(@$@) tactful and diplomatic that while it drives me nuts sometimes cos he never gets to the point, he does help to keep the peace.
Because he truly loves me, and no matter how imperfect i am, in his eyes, i’m still the best. 🙂

Gee…. now that made ME feel good too. This afformations exercise sure is a good one.

Now let’s try a different one… let’s see.

Why am I abundant in every way?

Because I have the perfect husband and the perfect son, and our family moments are usually simple, yet happy.
Because I have the resources to go for almost all the workshops and retreats that I want.
Because I get to travel at least 5 times a year.
Because I have the luxury of meditating every morning.
Because my health is great, and I get to workout in the gym twice a week that includes really fun dance and Pilates sessions.
Because I have true friends who can rejoice in my successes and join me in my manifestations.
Because I have beautiful clothes to wear.
Because i get to meet and learn from highly evolved individuals who teach from the heart.
Because I live right next to Mount Faber and get to enjoy an awesome GREEN view from my bedroom window.
Because i have a roof over my head, and no lack of food to eat.
Because I am constantly reminded of the divine forces in the universe, and that they are all supporting me towards fulfilling my greatest potential in life!

Hmm…that’s a really good one too.

Last but not least….

Why am I so successful?

Because I am able to assist my clients in making significant changes in their life, such as letting go of a painful past, or having a much improved relationship with a love one, or releasing chronic pains, or being more assertive with others and being able to move on with life with more ease and joy.
Because my colleagues respect my professional capabilities, as well as myself as a person (and so do I with them).
Because I am the author of “Emotional Freedom At Your Fingertips”, a book that has empowered and inspired many to take healing into their own hands.
Because I am a loving mother who sets an example to her son on what it means to pursue your dreams and be true to yourself.
Because I have found my passion and fulfilling it as a form of livelihood, and through it, I really get to LIVE!
Because I give EFT workshops that are fun, lively, enriching and most importantly, empower all participants to use EFT to make life easier and more meaningful!
Because I have found a way to work with intuition and with Spirit.
Because I have taken risks in life and as a result, thrived hugely!
Because I truly believe that I am a magnificent and powerful Being of Light, and because of my awakening to this truth, I am also fully capable of assisting others in awakening to the same truths about themselves too.

Ahhhh… and that felt GOOD too!

Hey, this is an awesome exercise. I highly recommend that you guys give it a try. If you have been feeling a certain lack in your life e.g. tired, poor, lonely, turn it around and ask yourself “Why I am so full of energy/abundant/in harmony with myself and others?” See how it goes! 🙂

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