I’m so lucky / Commitments

June 25, 2009 at 12:48 pm | Posted in 662537 | Leave a comment

I’m so lucky cos i have pple in my life who are willing to tell things to my face, w/o fearing that i will get offended.

That doesn’t mean i don’t get offended btw. 😛

But so far the only person who offended me mildly (not counting family cos those are always the exceptions) did so cos he was being really sarcastic too. And even in spite of that, i really appreciate him for caring enough to give me the hard facts of life (or at least his opinion anyway).

As the quote goes “Friends are those who stab you in the front.”

So far no stabbing la… haha…just good knocks on the head. Like last night i was at the Nuskin biz presentation with this aquaintence (whom we met also by wonderful synchronicity – a series of “random events”) and she kept telling others that i’m really very young. My almost automatic response to that was along the lines of “oh but i look older than i am”.

After abt the 3rd time i said that, she turned to me and asked, “do you know why you look  older than you are?”. No, i don’t and was almost expecting her to give me some skin care tips since it is a skin-care company after all.

Uh-uh. “Cos you keep affirming it for yourself!”

Oops… i almost felt her hand rapping on my head, “HELLO… you know the Law of Attraction right, so what are you doing here.”

I was thick-skinned enough not to blush but inwardly, i was quite shocked, as if i was caught in the act of doing something which i know was wrong. Which was literally the case.

It was just a split-second event, but since then i have been watching the way i speak more consciously. It’s only been hours since, but already i am noticing how i consciously and unconsciously divert attention onto topics which i do not wish to manifest more of.

Well, time to walk the talk! And time to set some mid-year resolutions for myself (think i was a bit bo chup about my 2009 new year resolutions anyway)…

1) I commit to speaking only about things which are aligned with my goals (financial freedom and spiritual growth) and values (truth and love).

2) I commit to my spiritual growth by spending at least an hour everyday to meditation/chanting/tapping/other healing practices.

3) I commit to moving my body in a way that is expansive and liberating (including the way i sit and stand).

4) I commit to seeing others around me as already perfect (they just don’t realise it).

5) I commit to be always honest to myself and to others (no more making personal photocopies at work without asking or donating $ first!)

6) I commit to taking risks, especially when fear is involved, because while fear is not an enemy, it is also not a gd advisor in how to lead my life.

Okie… 6 is enough cos i need to reach work ON TIME (commitment no. 5).

“Prosperity with EFT” classes coming up!

June 25, 2009 at 1:29 am | Posted in Manifestations | 2 Comments

An email announcement i just sent out…. and i’m SOOOO darn excited about this one. 🙂 Pls do share this with those who are interested in attracting more PROSPERITY into their lives (and stay in S’pore). 😛

Dear all,
This idea has been growing in my mind for weeks and finally, the sprouts are showing above the ground, and i can’t put it off any longer!
I’m sure most of you have watched The Secret or learnt about the Law of Attraction, and you probably understand that our reality is pretty much created by our mind. In other words, to attract abundance, all we need to do is to think abundance and feel abundance.
Sounds simple? As many pple have found out from experience, it’s easier said than done.
BUT with EFT, it is very much possible, and more effortless than we think, since it directly clears the blockages in your energy system that sabotages all efforts to attract more prosperity into your life. I usually teach how to use EFT to increase the positives in your life in EFT Level II workshops so that the Law of Attraction works in your favour. Although the workshops provide a gd framework, i have a feeling that only a fraction of my participants really go ahead to use EFT to tap away their blockages to success.
So starting 3 July, i’m going to hold weekly Friday sessions called “Prosperity with EFT” where we will be tapping as a group on ALL of our blockages that prevent us from receiving more abundance in our life. This will be done in an informal and friendly atmosphere, where you can participate as much as you want (as long as you are fine with tapping). You can come on an ad-hoc basis, and of cos, if you have the time and motivation to work on your financial blockages, you are welcome to attend every single session.
Does EFT really help to bring more prosperity into your life? Well, here are a couple of articles from www.emofree.com for your reading:

And there are many more stories like this to be found. So yes, EFT can help… IF you are indeed using it of cos. 🙂
I understand how hard it can be to tap on your own. As a friend just shared, it’s a lonely business to self-heal, and not everyone has the money to afford private coaching. FYI, I have also been treating myself for my money issues (amongst others), and I can definitely see the results starting to come through. However, to be very honest, it’s only recently that i started becoming more motivated to tap on myself very regularly… and that’s after 2 over years of giving EFT consultations and workshops! So i can’t imagine how challenging it might be for most of you to tap on your own issues when you are not “forced” to use it almost daily cos it’s part of your livelihood. 
So don’t do it alone! Come to “Prosperity with EFT” where everyone can tap together on what’s keeping the abundance from entering your lives.
I only have one disclaimer. I am STILL working on my own abundance issues, and I am very committed to healing myself in this aspect (yes i DO want financial freedom :P). So you are not learning from some kind of guru here. In fact we are going to learn TOGETHER, and I am more than willing to give the time and energy to create an atmosphere where we can support one another in healing our abundance blockages with the use of EFT. I already have a few ideas on how I want to facilitate these sessions, and I have a very good feeling that anyone who is willing to come for at least a few sessions of “Prosperity with EFT” will be seeing their lives attracting more… PROSPERITY.
So once again, here are the details of “Prosperity with EFT” classes:
When: Every Friday, starting 10 July 2009, 7.30 – 9 pm (pls arrive by 7.15 pm) 
Where: Shan You Counselling Centre, Blk 5 Upper Boon Keng Road #02-15 Singapore 380005 (pls note that i’m only renting this place and not operating from it)
How much: By donation, depending on how prosperous you feel!
Who can join: Anyone who wants to heal their abundance blockages and willing to use EFT (attending my EFT Level I workshop is NOT a prerequisite, but note that those new to EFT will not learn about EFT through attending “Prosperity with EFT” classes)
Please share this with your loved ones and associates, and invite them to join you. If you’re coming, just sms me at 96715709 to let me know you are attending and no. of pax coming together.
May all prosper in all areas of their lives! 🙂

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