Reminders to myself

June 19, 2009 at 4:17 pm | Posted in Pearls of wisdom, The journey within | Leave a comment

I think my soul has something to say today… cos that title popped into my head a few moments ago.

“Yes Lena… ”


“1st reminder is to know that you have everything within you to fulfill your life purpose. There is no need to seek from outside. All the teachers, books and workshops that you attracted to, are merely a reflection of all that already exists inside you. Remember, you cannot recognise what is not already in you. When you see the beauty, joy, purity and wisdom of others, it is only because there is beauty, joy, purity and wisdom within you.”

“2nd reminder, is to recognise that each individual has their own life path to follow, and it is a path they have chosen to walk before they even came into the present life. You sometimes get frustrated at people who are seemingly stuck in their misery, and you wish to help them with the tools that you have. The lesson here is for you to respect the choices of other individuals. It is perfectly fine for them to stay “stuck”, and the truth is, there is no such thing as stuck-ness. There is constant change and evolvement, and even the most difficult and resistant clients may actually be evolved souls who are assisting you in your own life lessons of love and patience.”

“3rd reminder, the most powerful force in this world for healing is none other than love. Even EFT is a means in accessing love so that healing can occur. So rather than be frustrated when people are not willing to use EFT, use love directly! The most healing thing you can and are capable of doing, is to simply send the purest love to that being across you, and remember on their behalf that they are already perfect, just as they are, even if they are having some trouble recognising it.”

“4th reminder, life is easy only when you choose for life to be easy. Sometimes you get confused between laziness and ease. One can be busy and still be at ease. Conversely, one can be lazy and still be constantly stressed in the mind and heart. Activity is only constructive, when it is aligned with the heart and spirit. So, don’t do things just for the sake of being hardworking. Know that the universe synchonises with your efforts most perfectly when you are deeply connected to your heart. The activity is really just an option. And when you are indeed connected in mind body and spirit, energy will automatically flow through you and you will find yourself working with maximum productivity in an ease-ful way.

“5th reminder, soul lessons will naturally pop up when the time is ready. You are so eager with your soul journey that you are trying to decipher all the mystery about your life, before the time is ripe, much like forcing a bud to open. Slow down and just enjoy the process. Have fun! Let your path unfold in its own time. In the meantime, sing and rejoice in all that is going around you. Take more interest in what other people are doing, and what’s happening ard the world. Your energy can boost other people’s efforts in completing their missions, and this will be a joyful experience for you too.”

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