The power of affirmations/how to influence someone to change

June 11, 2009 at 1:46 am | Posted in Rantings and ravings, The Miracles | Leave a comment

A dear friend gave me the amazing gift of a one-hour long affirmations audio clip that is professionally recorded to the background music of Kevin Klein. Aside from feeling totally wowed by my friend’s kindness (and HIS friend’s generosity for it cost him US$180 to make this audio clip and he is sharing it for free to his close friends), i’m just totally in love with this audio clip and have been listening to it daily when commuting.

The affirmations are mostly about abundance but there are also affirmations on good health, creating positive relationships, contributing to the world, etc. I sometimes feel like saying (and do say it internally) YES at the end of each affirmation, cos some of them resonate so much within me. “I love my life.” YES! “I live my vision.” YES! “I am a powerful creator.” YES YES YES!

Well, i know that affirmations can be powerful stuff, but i didn’t imagine that they would be this powerful. The very first day i listened to the audio clip, a stranger gave me $1.50 at the bus stop. Turns out that the thing that i bought at the bus stop kiosk was discounted, and the stranger was the kiosk assistant who was returning me the difference.

And it didn’t stop there. I keep getting enquiries and bookings for my private therapy services, and i just received my bonus. YES!

Not just that, i’m actually doing a better job of holding onto my money. I can be an impulsive spender and have made careless buys on the internet before (talks and tele-seminar transcripts which i don’t even have time to go through). Now I find myself taking more time to decide, and not immediately going for the best brands. In fact i am receiving satisfaction from spending less, because I know that this means i can put aside more money for future investments. “I always pay myself first.” YES!

In fact, the audio clip also has effects on Mr Gua Gua, albeit in not a very good way. The first time he listened to it, he reported itching, headaches and tummyaches. I seriously don’t know if he was exaggerating (which he can be good at) but even if he was, i think he was still half-serious. But he’s more scared of me, so he’s forced to listen anyway…lol! While he still complains of itching every time it is playing, i think it’s all good, since Louise Hays says that itching is the clearing of “old buried guck”. 🙂

Also, i am worrying much less about money and procrastination, and this evening, while walking back home and listening to the audio clip, i received this FANTASTIC idea on how I could continue to contribute to my centre even after leaving, in a very powerful way, and get paid! Just typed and sent an email to my P, and looking forward to hearing her thoughts on it!

So to that dear friend, thank you SO MUCH for this priceless gift. If not for the fact that this is created for personal use, and I wish to respect your friend’s wishes, I would so love to share this with all my friends and the rest of the world.

Hmm…maybe i can create my own affirmation audio thingy one day… might as well put my melodious voice to good use. Haha! (yes, my ego is getting super healthy, as Mr Gua Gua puts it…)

On a side note, I discovered by accident the best way to get another person to do something.

You do it yourself.

I have always been irritated by Mr Gua Gua’s messiness and since i’m not the best housekeeper myself, our house is in a super big mess. Actually i have come a long way in my response to this situation. In the past, I get very agitated when i see the clutter and Mr Gua Gua’s empty promises about cleaning things up. Now I only get annoyed once in a blue moon (maybe too busy with my stuff to care), partially thanks to EFT cos i DID tap on this.

Long time ago, i manifested for a neat and organised house. Nothing happened. I convinced myself that this is somethng that might take a while to manifest. 😛

Well, couple weeks ago, i “suddenly” had the impulse to do something which i always found totally disgusting. That is to clear the bathroom drainage cover. And because this hasn’t been touched in at least 2 months or more, it is filled with clumps of hair and other stuff which i have no words for.

This is the kind of thing that really sickens me, yet, on that particular day, i did it in a rather detached way, and it was all cleaned up within minutes. No biggie.

The next morning, i heard a lot of water sounds in the bathroom and didn’t think much of it. Mr Gua Gua told me he cleaned the bathroom (and was waiting for me to gush all about it), and since i can’t multi-task while on the computer, i was like “oh ok…”.

Only when i was taking my bath, did i notice that the bathroom floor was unusually clean and all the stains in the corner were gone. Needless to say, i had a very enjoyable bath that day.

Few days after that, again, i had the unusual impulse of cleaning the kitchen sink, which was covered with stains and accumulated soap gunk. And as with many other things, once you start doing something, you kinda get into the groove of it, so I also cleaned the soap dispenser bottle and the diamond water machine beside the sink. The result was a nice shiny sink that was a real pleaser to the eyes.

Not long after, Mr Gua Gua did another household chore which i can’t rem now, but again, was unexpected cos he did it out of his own accord.

That’s when i started to see the link and understood more fully the story about the mother who asked Gandhi to speak to her son about not eating sweets. He told her that he would do so in a week’s time, and while puzzled, the mother agreed. A week later, Gandhi came to her son and told him to stop eating sweets, and out of great respect to this man, the boy did stop eating sweets. The woman asked him why did it take him one week to speak to her son. His reply, “I had to stop eating sweets myself first.”

Now my new understanding of this story based on my own experience is that it’s not the WORDS that influence a person to change. It’s the energy you carry. In the past, I myself hate to do household chores, so even as i was  nagging Mr Gua Gua to do the household chores, the energy i carried was “HATE DOING IT MYSELF”.

Yet, when my energy shifted so that I was automatically doing cleaning, somehow Mr Gua Gua also automatically did his own share, without any prodding from me.

It also worked in the reverse. I hate hate hate ironing and have been leaving it to my mum to do our ironing for us when she came over on Saturdays. Since she has stopped coming, our clothes have been unironed, and i was finding it increasingly hard to find decent clothes to wear. Mr Gua Gua kept saying that he would do the ironing, while I kept saying that i’m going to hire someone to do it for us. No action from neither of us, and the pile of unironed clothes continued to grow.

Finally, Mr Gua Gua took out the ironing board and ironed 3-4 clothes for me, just enough for me to wear for a few more days. But there was still a huge pile of clothes on the sofa, and while i was tired of seeing those clothes, i was also tired of asking Mr Gua Gua to do it.

So there was this voice in my head, “why not just do it yourself?”

Normally that voice would be told to shut up and i would just continue asking Mr Gua Gua to do it. But having seen Mr Gua Gua finally take out the ironing board, somehow i found the urge to do it myself.

In the end, i spent over an hour ironing ALL my clothes and then i realised how come some pple can actually enjoy ironing. It’s a huge sense of satisfaction to see the pile of unironed clothes reducing in size, to “magically” transform a crumpled clothing into a smart looking outfit and to bring each freshly ironed piece of clothing to my wardrobe and hang it up.  And doign the ironing while listening to the audio clip at the same time made it even more enjoyable!

While that might not necessarily mean that I will look forward to the next ironing session (which won’t be needed for a few weeks now…hehehe), i definitely learnt a lesson or two about change and motivation.

So next time you want someone to do something? Do something that you usually find hard to do first. And perhaps…. that person might follow. At the very least, you have conquered yourself!  🙂

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