Healing money issues

June 10, 2009 at 12:21 am | Posted in The journey within | 2 Comments

This is a much needed exercise i need to do for myself. For the past few months, i have been receiving indications that i’m charging too little for my workshops. One was from this guy at the holistic fair. When he saw that i was charing $70 for 6 hour workshops, he replied, “That’s Very reasonable”… and i can’t rem if he used the word “reasonable” or something else, but with the raised eyebrow he gave along with the statement, i think he meant it was not very reasonable, at least compared to the workshop rates out there.

There’s also another friend who is doing her best to convince me that i need to charge more highly. The most recent one is this old friend who decided to coach me in doing my own biz, and he too keeps telling me it’s too low.

So, time to look into this more seriously instead of going “errr…errr” everytime pple ard me talk about charging more highly. Obviously there are some limiting beliefs about money and abundance here, and if i’m going to go private soon, i better clear those beliefs before i go bankrupt within 6 months (as my old friend predicts very seriously).

Money beliefs brainstorming exercise BEGINS!

1) If i charge too much, pple will think that i’m greedy and commercial.
2) I’m afraid that i cannot deliver up to pple’s expectations, so better charge low.
3) Having large sums of money makes me nervous.
4) I don’t feel like i deserve to have that much money.
5) It’s practically impossible to get rich doing spiritual work…. the spiritual part would just get compromised.
6) I shouldn’t ask for anything in return for helping pple.
7) If I value it too highly, i will just scare away all the pple who really need the service and cannot afford it.
8) Greedy greedy greedy.
9) I need to give it ALL away.
10) I wouldn’t know what to do with all that money.
11) The really good things are priceless.
12) The spirit is just changed when you put a monetary value to it.
13) Money is dirty.
14) Money corrupts.
15) It’s selfish to ask for so much when there are those who have so little.
16) Is there really enough to go round?
17) I don’t want to attract greedy scheming pple into my life who just want to eye my wealth.
18) It’s noble to stay poor.
19) The truly spiritual ones are all simple and poor.
20) It’s bad to have desires.

Okie… i think that will do for now. I’m sure my logical mind knows that most of them are crap, and can come up with alternative perspectives. But the key thing is that inside me, all those statements resonate in some way, and that’s going to block me from receiving more abundance in my life.

So… time for tapping!

Here are the new thoughts that pop up for each statement, and it’s not like i had to force myself to think of them… they literally popped into my mind.

1) If i charge too much, pple will think that i’m greedy and commercial. No, people will just think i’m good.
2) I’m afraid that i cannot deliver up to pple’s expectations, so better charge low. (This took some work cos of some serious self-worth issue… luckily i cleared something similar with a client today so I kinda took myself through the same process, and interestingly, my “lousyness” told me that i’m keeping it because i want to stay small, feeling that’s safer. Well, i told it that i no longer need it ard now, and handed it over to Green Tara. Thanks but no thanks, and bye!) I can ALWAYS meet others’ expectations and even exceed them because i AM good.
3) Having large sums of money makes me nervous. I’ll probably find someone reliable to manage it for me. (ok, i know this is not fully cleared yet…ok more tapping) I will have a team of responsible pple to manage and grow my money for me. (much better!)
4) I don’t feel like i deserve to have that much money. I am SO deserving cos i’m doing such good work.
5) It’s practically impossible to get rich doing spiritual work…. the spiritual part would just get compromised. If Spirit is abundance, then doing spiritual work should only bring me even more abundance.
6) I shouldn’t ask for anything in return for helping pple. When i value my energy highly, and expect others to do the same, i do even better work and others receive even better results (needed more tapping to convince myself of this one, but now ok) cos of the law of energy exchange, and that everything must and will balance each other out in the end.
7) If I value it too highly, i will just scare away all the pple who really need the service and cannot afford it. Then I will put out the energy of love, so that those who cannot afford will still be able to approach me, and I can work something out with them so they can still use my services (didn’t even need further tapping on this one!).
8) Greedy greedy greedy.  Self love self love self love (nor this one).
9) I need to give it ALL away. Life flows through me… and there will be both in flow and out flow. I CAN happily receive too.
10) I wouldn’t know what to do with all that money. I can educate myself or find people to coach me.
11) The really good things are priceless. Putting a price on it doesn’t make it any less good either.
12) The spirit is just changed when you put a monetary value to it. Only when money is prioritised over spirit, and I DO prioritise spirit over money.
13) Money is dirty. Money is power, and I can do greater good with more of that.
14) Money corrupts. Money brings the opportunity to become a better person.
15) It’s selfish to ask for so much when there are those who have so little. I would love to share my wealth with those who have less.
16) Is there really enough to go round? YESSS!!!
17) I don’t want to attract greedy scheming pple into my life who just want to eye my wealth. I will only attract good people with plenty of great ideas on how to use the money for more good.
18) It’s noble to stay poor. It’s more noble to have few desires and manage money to create more good.
19) The truly spiritual ones are all simple and poor. Simple yes. Poor, no. Even if they don’t have huge bank accounts, they are all abundant and have no lack. Their wisdom and faith brings them abundance.
20) It’s bad to have desires. It’s human to have desires, and it’s the extreme indulgence that’s bad.

Ok, now we come back to the original question, “Will I charge more?”

Yes, as long as i find a better venue and reorganise my workshop material a little.

Hmm… actually, now my heart is telling me, even with the current venue and workshop content, I CAN charge more. I really do deserve it, cos my participants really get great value out of it.

Cool! Nothing like gd ol’ EFT to shift me to another level in perspective. Maybe one of these days i shld start an “EFT for prosperity” class. Any takers? 🙂

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