Flow of lights

June 27, 2009 at 11:20 pm | Posted in Visual treats | 2 Comments

I looovvvveeeee this…..


(Ayako’s painting that she commissioned for my healing space in exchange of EFT Level II workshop)

Ayako told me that if i meditate on it, i will see different images being presented to me that will bring me healing/insights. I tried my best to see the totem animal she saw in the painting 2 days after its completion, but i couldn’t. Maybe it will appear to me when the time is right.

What i DID see however, with my blurry vision (using the myopic left eye), was a lady in a dress, on her knees, with her hands raised to do something. Can you see it?

Anyways, i’m so thrilled with the painting, and it so happens that my name Lena means light, and the name of this painting is apt cos indeed, it is filled with light. Just looking at it makes me feel so bright and inspired.

Thank you so much Ayako! 🙂 🙂 🙂


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  1. hheheh, different people see different visions and images coming out of the paintings at different point of times so if the lady appears to you at this point of your life, shes trying to connect to you 🙂
    so its all cool ! hehehehe glad you like the painting, i’ve enjoyed the painting process too ^__^


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